Welcome to Austin Grove Baptist Church
We are glad you are here! You are invited to come and join us this coming Sunday morning! Sunday School starts at 9:45 AM and Worship starts at 10:45 AM.
If you are not currently on our One Call Now System and would like to be added to receive calls, emails or text messages, please contact Sheri at the church office at 704-624-2929.
For upcoming events, click on our Newsletter and Weekly Bulletin Tabs.
Check out our Ministries under the new Ministries tab.
Our Services are posted Online at:
Website: www.austingrovebaptist.com
YouTube Channel: Austin Grove Baptist Church
Facebook Page: Austin Grove Baptist Church
If you would like a DVD Recording of the Morning Worship Service, please contact the church office.
In the case of inclement weather, please tune to WSOC TV channel 9
or WCNC channel 36 for closing information.
5919 Austin Grove Church Road
Marshville, NC 28103